Monday, April 19, 2021

I got shot at the fire and rescue!!!

 Yes, I got THE shot at the local fire and rescue station! My first Covid vaccine shot. There was only amusing side effects luckily, such as extreme drowsiness, loopiness, fuzzy eye sight, and laughing for two minutes straight while watching snow fall outside the car window. Haha, I thought it was fun. Sister Homer was slightly concerned about my sanity after that, haha. I am doing much better now, it wore off a few hours later. 

We had Zone Conference yesterday and we were super late! We live about 35 minutes away from where we meet, and we ended up leavening about 10 minutes late, then with the foggy and icy weather it took even longer. The map somehow lead us to the wrong place, a neighborhood 16 minutes away from the church we were supposed to be at! Luckily we got there only 10 minutes after it started, but we felt really bad. 
I also gave my departing testimony while there. Every missionary on their last transfer, which is every 6 weeks, during the annual Zone Conference you are to give a brief testimony of some of the things you have learned on your mission. It was really hard figuring out what to say, I feel like I have learned so much and it was hard to organize it into words. I have learned to stand up for myself and what is right. I have learned to be brave, bold, and loving. I have gained so much more experience on patience. I have learned a lot about my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I have learned what true strength is. In the end I decided to talk on giving your all to the work. My family has a little motto, which is "when you give all you have you will always have enough." I have found this especially true in missionary work. I strive to give my whole heart, might, focus, time, and self to this work and the people of Colorado. In return I have gained so much more then I had before. 
I have less then three weeks remaining to serve a full time mission, and I hope to do all that I can every second of the day to continue to give my all. I feel as if this is a wonderful time to create a pattern for my life, of working hard and loving completely. 

I am grateful everyday that I chose to serve a mission at such a time as this!!!

I got my shot! 

A pic from Zone Conference

I burned myself with very hot oil. Not fun, 10/10 do not recommend, but it kind of looks cool, haha.

I accidentally left my tag at home, so I was "Sister Homer" for a few hours, haha

Sister Homer made DELICIOUS Korean pancakes! They are filled with this amazing honey and nut mix, and are so crispy on the outside. I am so spoiled XD

Monday, April 5, 2021

When you don't know how to pick a lock...

 So much happened in the last week or so, I don't quite know where to begin

Last week was beautiful, especially Monday, so we decided to explore Evergreen. We went to some cafe's and restaurants and made a list of all the places we want to go, then we got some really yummy acai bowls at Kiki's bowls, which was so cool and refreshing after being in the sun. Also snagged a couple souvenirs for my family;)

Tuesday we had combined district council, meaning we met with about 10 companionships of missionaries. We are the farthest companionship from the church building we were meeting at, since we are the only ones up in the mountains, and it was about a forty five minute drive just to get down there. Right after we grabbed some Cane's chicken, then went to the hospital to get Sister Homer her first vaccine shot!!! Super excited for her! We weren't able to sign me up and were hoping they would have walk in or extra or at least a way to sign up in person. All were no...

Wednesday we were able to go to the local library and help a dear friend do some family history work. It was so exciting to see her eyes light up as she saw her family tree grow and remind her of her loved ones. Hopefully we will be able to meet with her again to help some more. Yes, it was super hard to be in an adorable library and not check out the books, but I survived (barely)!

Friday I was able to participate in a Homer family tradition of eating a pass over dinner. We are way too cheap for lamb, but we had Harosut on flat bread, fruits, cheese, crackers, and grape juice! It was so delicious and I was so full after! Another thing we have been doing is reading through the last week of Christ's life and putting up pictures to remind us of what he did. Often times in the morning we listen to the Lamb of God as well. All of this made it truly a powerful and memorable Easter season!

Saturday was quite an adventurous day! Buckle up, because this one is long!!! 

We listened to the first session of General Conference, which was so good and revelatory, and a lot of speakers spoke of how missionaries and members can be the Lord's angels on earth to help people. I really liked that imagery, then right at the end of the first session we were given an opportunity to be those angels and to help! A few missionaries were cleaning out a missionary apartment that we didn't need anymore, and they needed our truck named "taco" and we had their equinox for the day. About an hour after they picked it up, during the concluding speaker's remark, they asked if we could come and help them load up, since there was so much stuff that it couldn't even fit in the truck. The two Elder companionships and us all spent the next hour or so clearing out the apartment and loading up all our cars with trash and stuff to get rid of or donate. 

The second session of General Conference on Saturday was amazing, and right after we drove up to the very top of a mountain where some members of the church live and we borrowed their computer to try to sign me up for a vaccine, but the website wouldn't let me for some reason. Five tries later, we called it a day and headed home. Before leaving the Husband of the family asked if we wanted to see something, and we said sure. He pulled out a very old looking book and let us hold it. He told us that it was a five hundred year old copy of the Bible, and that this particular copy of the Bible there are only eight known copies still in the world. It was amazing flipping through the pages and seeing notes written by different priests, and seeing the beautiful curing letters! It was truly a remarkable experience!

When we made it home, we came to the shocking realization that we had left the house keys inside our locked home. We searched all around to find a window or some other way in, but there was none. We could literally see the key sitting on the counter next to the door, less then a foot away from us! It was so frustrating that the only thing standing between us and that key was a thick double pained window. It was about dinner time, so we decided to drive to Wendy's and pick up some food and make some calls around to see if anyone in the ward could help.
The renting company that owns our house wasn't picking up, we called a few members of the church nearby but no one knew how to pick a lock or knew a lock smith. We even called our friend Troy who is a retired detective and he came over to see if he could somehow get in. He could not... While at Wendy's we were trying to decide what to get and jokingly asked the girl on the intercom if she could pick a lock, and another guy on the mic answered and asked if we were trying to rob a bank, and we said no we were just locked out of our house. We couldn't decide what to get, so the girl said to just drive up to the second window and talk to her there. There she gave us a giant drinking cut full of a chocolate frosty and some pub fries, and said it was on the house. We tried to pay, but she said we had enough going on already and sent us on our way. She was so sweet!!!!

We called back our housing coordinator from the mission and told her no one was able to get in, and she called a lock smith to come help, but he lived about forty five minutes away. He ended up getting lost or something, so we spent four and a half hours in our borrowed Equinox making a few phone calls and sharing messages. There was a women we called that said she was interested in hearing a quick easter message, and while sharing she started to get emotional and said that was exactly what she needed to hear. We offered to share more messages, and she said she'd love to hear them! We made a new friend while being locked outside our house!!!

Our car battery started getting really low after that, so we had to turn off all the lights in the car and just sit and stare at the stars. It was a very peaceful night. Luckily at about 8:30 the locksmith found our place and was able to get us in about ten minutes later! So yeah, that was our Saturday adventure!

Sunday was great! We watched the first session with our district, we had the door to outside cracked open to let in some air, and half way through the session a dark hand reaches in and drops a piece of paper on the ground and disappears. We were the closest to the door, and I was a little creeped out. Luckily, another companionship had brought a friend with them to watch, who is a large ex con, so he went and looked around and took care of it, making me feel safer. Turns out the note was just someone who hasn't been to church in about 30 years asking for the missionaries to reach out because they want to come back but feel guilty for being gone so long. So the creepy note wasn't as creepy after all!

We watched the second session at home with all our yummy snacks, and we are so excited that they announced a new temple is being built in Grand Junction CO! I served there and know so many people there who have to drive sometimes six or more hours to get to a temple, so this is fantastic news!!! I hope to come back on day for the dedication!

I am so grateful to be serving at such a time as this!!!

Delicious pass over dinner!!!

We decorated eggs!!!

An actually good picture of us without the goofiness and sarcasm we usually use

This is what it looks like to have an adventurous Saturday with a companion who isn't as used to exciting luck as you are XD

My comp with her proud vaccine shot. Me without...

I also got some really yummy vegan Ice Cream, so no upset stomach, just pure bliss!!!

Kiki's Bowl is AWESOME!!!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Late Weekly

 So sorry about how late this is. A lot has happened. 

So, we got a major snow storm. Or at least major for the area. Wednesday we were supposed to get a lot of snow. Didn't happen. Then Thursday a ton of snow. Also didn't happen. Friday and Saturday was supposed to be a blizzard. Surprise, also didn't happen. Then Sunday it dumped. It snowed by the buckets all day and night. We had fun walking around in it, then the next day on P day we went out and made the biggest snow man of all time. It stood about 6 and a half feet tall, and only took us an hour and a half... Totally worth it.
So, Sister Blattman was able to make it to Korea! We dropped her and another Sister, Sister Boberg, at the airport at 3 in the morning, meaning we had to wake up at 2 to get ready and get the luggage. After Sister Homer and I, my new companion, went to the apartment, took a quick nap, packed up all my earthly belonging, then went to the mountains! Now I am serving in Platt River, which has the coolest mountain towns in it! They got 3 and a half feet up here during the storm, then it has been snowing on and off today and supposed to continue for the rest of the week. We are living in an adorable and cozy cabin in the woods, surrounded by trees and snows. Don't worry, we have a BIG truck that can handle the snow.
We went down and explored a town near by named Evergreen and went to a fun cafe and ate some breakfast. My "Buck Benedict" tasted so good! I was sad to leave Cornerstone Park, I have been there for so long so many of the members felt like family to be honest, but I love the mountain life! There are trees and snow everywhere, and so many fun places to go! I am super excited to be here and excited to see the miracles that will come!!!

I am grateful everyday that I chose to serve at such a time as this.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Valentines Day

 Sorry about the late email, but here are a few exciting things from the week.

Transfers happened, and I am staying in Cornerstone Park 2! Super excited. The people here are AMAZING.

A guy from my first area named Ethan was baptized this week! I was one of the first missionaries to ever meet with him and talk to him about the gospel, and now he has made a wonderful covenant with Heavenly Father. I am so excited for him!

For the last few days it has been getting colder and colder, then on Sunday all day it was -6 degrees. The weather app said it was -6 and that it felt like -14, and it wasn't wrong, haha. Luckily I enjoy the cold, just wish there would have been more snow. 

We delivered cookies the day before Valentines day to a few friends in the area. They were slightly over cooked and we didn't have long to decorate them, but it's the thought that counts right, haha!

For Valentines day, my companion's mom sent us both a box of Macaroons from France where they are living right now, and they were delicious! I also got some yummy cinnamon rolls in the mail from Bopa, so I was properly spoiled, haha.

I am doing well. It's crazy to think how far I've come, but it has been an honor to serve the Lord for the last almost 15 months!

Monday, January 18, 2021

quick hello

 I NEED to keep better notes on what happens throughout the week. Every night this week a wonderful member of the ward has brought us dinner and a little treat. We had chicken and waffles one night, and it was fantastic and delicious. We got some more soda, and I made up a new concoction, to my companion's and car mate's horror. It was barq root beer with peppermint and chocolate. Is that weird? Yes. Did it taste fantastic? Yes. Was it totally worth it too to see the expressions on the other Sisters faces? Defiantly! 

We have been having some Zoom dinners with the other Sisters in our area. It has been fun getting to know the people we serve with better! We are excited to get to know them even better in the future.

Sister Blattman (my companion) knows lots of people that are going back to Korea, and we are all crossing our figures she'll get the chance to go soon! 

Sorry I can't think of more to say. I'll try to be better next week! Until then, hope you have an awesome week!!!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Start your day right

Not too much to report on this week. We did some outdoor service for a friend of ours where we took cut down branches and logs and bundled them up. I had never done it before, but luckily neither had she so neither of us could tell if it was done right, so it worked out, haha.

We went to our favorite Soda shop and I invented a new drink combo. Root Beer, Chocolate, and Peppermint. Yes, it sounds VERY strange, but it was surprisingly pretty good. I might have to get it a second time, haha. 

I learned a new dish. I learned how to make crispy asian style orange chicken. It turned out really good and very convenient for leftovers! 

My companion and I decided to have a little fun today, so we bought a mini Waffle maker and some pure maple syrup. We are excited to try it out!

Sorry, that's all I can think of right now that happened this week. I will try to take better notes next time, that way the email is a little more exciting. 

I was reminded this morning of the importance of starting out your day right. While getting ready, I listened to some wonderful General Conference talks from the October General Conference, which spoke about diligence and the impact we have on those around us. Then after I decided to switch things up a bit. Instead of studying at my desk, I went to the bedroom, turned on some calming music, put some oils in my humidifier, and studied on my bed. The light was streaming in from the window, making the room warm and light. It felt peaceful and welcoming. I studied the word of the Lord through the Book of Mormon, highlighting every reference to Jesus Christ with blue. It was one of my best mornings in a while. Not rushed, not forced, but peace. It gave me a lot of time to reflect and be filled with gratitude for all that I have been given. 

I am grateful everyday for a chance to serve at such a time as this!

Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 begins

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a lovely holiday season. Ours was filled with service, study, and joy. Christmas morning, we were able to call home and video our families. I got to open presents with Mom and Dad, then Luke and Leah woke up took me down stares to find their hidden Christmas book, which was so fun. They found them right away and are the proud new owners of Fancy Nancy and The Fat Cat on the Mat. I am so excited for them to read them to me one day! After that, we met with our district and made snow flakes to put on friend's doors as a little surprise, then we met with all the missionaries in the stake or the surrounding area, which was about 20 or so other missionaries, and we had a wonderful devotional about the different names of Christ and what they mean to us. I'd have to say my favorite name He has is Brother. In the evening, we were able to get onto a Zoom call with  the entire mission and do fun games, activities, and give testimonies. It was so joy filled and focused on Christ. We wrote and delivered about 30 Christmas cards to friends in the area and members in the ward who have been so kind to us. We are so blessed and spoiled here.

For New years eve, we worked until nine, then opened a sparking cider, drank a glass, then we went to bed around 9:30 or 10:00. I know I know, we are some real party animals over here, haha. 
Last Monday, we got a text from the mission nurse. Apparently, an Elder in our district that we had met with on Christmas had Covid. We had all social distanced and been careful with masks, but just to be safe we were put under quarantine. We had to go get the Covid test to be sure we hadn't gotten it, but the other Sisters had the car and we couldn't switch because of the whole no contact thing. So, bright and early at 6:40 we headed out and took an hour walk to their apartment. The path took us through a lovely park. The sun was rising, and the air was crisp with fallen snow. No one else was on the trail, and it was so very peaceful and enjoyable. We were able to get the car, go to the testing sight, get the swab, and drove back to the other Sister's house since they needed the car later that day. We took the walk back and enjoyed our time outside in the fresh air. The test results came out a day later, and we tested negative! We were freed! The first thing we did as newly freed missionaries was take a car ride with the other Sisters to our favorite Soda Bar drive through and order some fun drinks! Best way to celebrate freedom, I think, haha.
Other then that things are pretty quiet right now. We are working hard and seeing miracles every day. As a mission, we have been doing a wonderful study. We have been reading through the Book of Mormon and highlighting four different things with four different colors; every-time Christ is named, the Characters of Christ, doctrine and principles, and every-time Christ speaks Himself or through his Prophets, such as when it says "thus saith the Lord". Now my Book of Mormon has a highlight on every page, often multiple highlights. I have loved doing this study, because I feel like I have drawn closer to my Savior and recognize His presence even more, both in scripture and in my own life. His influence is everywhere, and I am honored to be able to share His love and words with those that I meet everyday!

I am so excited to be serving at such a time as this!!!